The largest independent builders’ merchants in South Wales and Herefordshire.


Ecodek products are carefully designed and crafted to give you the benefits of real wood without the hassle; solid, more impact and moisture resistant than hollow decking and easy to install so your outdoor space lasts for years to come.

Product Datasheets

Ecodek Heritage Datasheet

Technical datasheet for the Ecodek Heritage range.

Product Calculators

Decking Calculator

How to calculate your Ecodek decking.

Installation Guides

Installation Instructions

Using the tried and tested benefits of Ecodek® Wood Polymer Composite deck boards we have perfected an attractive wood grain effect outdoor board that will look and feel like a timber board.

Flat Roof Installation

For installing on a flat roof, please read the full installation instructions in conjunction with the following information.

Step Construction Instructions

The following instructions are a guide only, please work in conjunction with Building Regulations (specifically, Part K) if you need to do so. You may also need to add balustrade, consult with Building Regulations or local planning officer for guidance.

Hot Tub Decking Guide

Area directly under the hot tub must be supported sufficiently to ensure the large weight of water is fully supported and does not damage the decking over time.

User Guides

Care & Maintenance

To keep your ecodek® in tip top condition we advise you use our recommended (WPC) Wood Polymer Deck cleaner at least twice a year (More in heavy use areas or areas subjected to high levels of contamination).

Mould or Fungus Removal

Mould growth is normally a result of a poor cleaning regime, poor installation (inadequate drainage or poor ventilation), consistently damp conditions or an area shaded under trees.