Robert Price helps Project Nestbox replace over 100 nest boxes in time for nesting season.

Robert Price is delighted to support Project Nestbox.
The conservation project, led by Richard Evans, aims to attract and increase the population of declining species like Barn Owls, Spotted Flycatchers, Pied Flycatchers, Redstarts, and more.
But, with over 200 nest boxes situated around the Blorenge mountain in a desperate need of replacing last year, Richard put out a call for donations of timber to help his repair works commence. Robert Price Builders’ Merchants were delighted to hear about Richard’s work and were only too pleased to help with the donation of much-needed materials.
Commenting on the state of the nest boxes, Richard said:
“I had about 200 nest boxes out of the 600 hundred I monitor in the Pontypool and Abergavenny areas which were in total disrepair. At one point I honestly thought I would have to go without replacing the nest boxes due to finding it extremely difficult to source materials to construct replacements. Thankfully, after approaching Robert Price they agreed to donate a wide range of materials.”
After seeing the appeal, Robert Price was keen to help the local initiative and responded by supplying a range of materials including: DPC rolls, PSE timber, plywood, Truguard paints, and more.
Molly Pike, Marketing Director at Robert Price commented on the donation:
“When we saw Richard’s appeal on Facebook for a local company to support him with timber for nest box production, we were immediately keen to assist. His inspiring work is extensive and very local to a number of our branches which made it a great fit for us to get involved in. We’re delighted to offer even this small assistance to Richard and help his efforts to support biodiversity.
He also does fantastic work engaging with others looking to develop their woodworking skills, and even collaborates with local schools to help inspire and educate the next generation on the importance of working with, and not against nature.”
Robert Price delivered the supplies to Richard’s workshop at the end of June 2022 and since then, Richard has been busy rebuilding his stock of nest boxes. Richard now has 700 small nest boxes, 15 Barn Owl, 5 Tawny Owl, 5 Little Owl, and numerous Dormice nest boxes, all ready for 2023’s nesting season.
“We’ve loved seeing the finished nest boxes, already being used for such a wide variety of bird species” said Molly.
“The materials I received from Robert Price were much needed” Richard added.
“To date this was the best donation I have ever received and has helped with attracting more Barn Owls, Redstarts and Pied Flycatchers to the area. I am incredibly grateful to Robert Price Builders’ Merchants for allowing me to continue with this much needed conservation project.”